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Greetings San Antonio (please introduce yourself including your congregation &/or faith tradition). Today I join my voice in the Virtual Prayer Vigil organized by the Interfaith San Antonio Alliance.
Let us begin by joining our hearts and minds with brothers and sisters of all faiths.
May we be blessed as vessels of healing and restoration. May San Antonio be a strong shelter and all our residents find protection from COVID-19. May we become more mindful of others’ needs and always come together in a spirit of unity. May those who are sick find healing; those who are suffering, restoration; and those who have died, be always remembered.
For those on the frontlines who are treating COVID-19, we give our deepest support and heart felt gratitude. May all doctors, nurses, hospital staff, first responders, and our government leaders be protected, guided, and blessed with discerning wisdom and skillful knowledge.
For the sufficient abundance that sacredly exists among our community, may we be good stewards of all resources for those who are most vulnerable and in need. For those who are or become unemployed, may they find strength in the presence of others, work that has meaning and a wage that is worthy. For those who struggle in any way, may we work mutually in finding the necessary physical, emotional and spiritual resources to alleviate pain and suffering.
Remembering all who are oppressed, marginalized, and pushed down systemically, may we all share in the equity of right relationship and the equality deemed in our human birth. Keep us alert to every breath we take; alert to each other in full dignity, honor and respect as humans sharing the same day, the same planet.
And lastly, may we humbly kneel in our shared humanity, with grace and love and compassion. May we in each moment stop, garner awareness of others, and then act in discerned compassion to treat all others in ways we deeply desire to be treated ourselves. May we lean into listening as we desire to be heard and known. May we be present to others as we wish to be gifted ourselves. May we stand with, speak out, show respect and share responsible actions in ways we each and all deserve and desire for ourselves.
May all this be so. In our families, in our neighborhoods, in our community. In our city and every city.
So be it. / Amen / &/or you are welcome to end the prayer from your own faith tradition.